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Posted by : Cain Karl Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hey Gamers!

I still plan on using my face book page to promote the store's inventory and events and what not.  I've always enjoyed the neat little news sites out there.  My mind is a bit chaotic so I just like to write about whatever I like to write about.

I tend to try and keep it relaxed and enjoyable.  I"m a terrible reviewer as I seem to glaze over frustrations initially.  I just enjoy what I can until I get bored.  In a way, I often think my carefree attitude makes me a better candidate to judge games.  I don't base them on past successes or future earning (whatever) but just how long I play a game for before I get tired of it. :P  Did I beat it?  Do I feel like playing it again?

Does a maaaaan gots to do what a man's got to do?

It's fun being wrong as well.  I am wrong a lot, and I enjoy when someone points out a fallacy I made or have overlooked.  There are always times where we will both think one way and nothing will change that.  I can promote the enjoyment of Wind Waker until the cows come home using real data and concepts, but if someone doesn't like it and has an intelligent reason for not liking it, we may never see eye to eye.  I may not get into a long drawn out discussion if I feel that we will never get to a resolution.  That is one of my problems that I know I have, but oh well.

So this is my first test post, I have no idea what I am doing, so I figure start with something and see where it goes. I will be promoting and subscribing to other blogs in the near future.  Gotta start somewhere.

This has been random thought time, probably just for me. Woot figured out how to do videos!  I rule!

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